Monday 28 March 2011

week 2

Internet as a new media has spread the world since it born. It has enormously impacted the way in which how people share information, connect with their social sphere. Unless this, internet with a incredibly speed enriches awareness of constructs society such as individuals social circle, business trade, education overseas and government politics. According to Donath and boyd (2004), they think in contemporary, people are accustomed to thinking of on-line world as a social space. Many famous web sites such as Facebook, Linkedin, Spoke and Friendster Beta have extended people social communication area, which mean people can make more friends online, frequently share information about whatever they prefers. Net connection is more flexible and fast for sharing information in people daily life.

As internet spread the world, users can claim to be whoever they wishPearson 2009. Online performative space is fluidity and self-conscious platform. People can choose their need for sharing information, commercial business online. Network users plays with aspects of their presentations of self, the relationship of those online selves to others.

Reference list:
Donath, J. and boyd, d. 2004 . Public displays of connection.  BT Technology Journal

(Accessed 26 Mar 2011 )

Sunday 27 March 2011

Week 3

In contemporary, new media ubiquitously spread the world. People straightly can get much information what they are looking for, such as news, film trailer, music and so on. Due to the internet transparency, downloading is hackneyed issue penetrate among whole society. Music often can be bought or shared on Itune. So, Ipod playlist for individual is diverse. There are millions music songs with different styles on Itune library which offer millions opportunities for its users. According to Steven(2006), music libraries distinguish one as a thinking person, a discerning individualist, a lover of fun, a blender of high an low culture, and a bird dog in unearthing undiscovered gems. When people share their music playlists with their friend, the playlists expose their identities, and partly reflect society cultural development from music.

However, as internet has its characteristic, information online release is an channel for entertainment. Masand (Masand in Singh 2008) thinks, the technology make a change in release strategy. So example on Bollywood, they posts their film trailers online for viewers and get huge visiting online which is bring vast and increase profits for company. Simultaneously, this new offer an platform for sharing Bollywood films overseas for more potential viewers. It not only change the way how people sharing their interesting with cultural movement, but also social development.

Reference list:

Steven,L. 2006  The perfect thing: How The Ipod Shuffles Commerce, Culture And Coolness New York: Simon &Schuster Paperbacks   

Singh, M.  14 Feb 2008  Bollywood’s Viral Videos”  Time

week 4

In this day, internet as a platform for sharing information plays in important role in new media era. News can be readily accessible published or posted on line by individuals, business organizations, governments. Information sharing is more freedom among private and authorities. Therefore, new media provides a free speech for people, and they can easily express their opinions with others, which not only comment on daily life, but also have right saying some about business, government and politics. It has impacted the ways how society develops. Government establishes or sets its own official website for collecting information from populace. Base on Shirky (2011) and Hamielink (2006), new media promises a long-term tool for strengthen civil society and public sphere, and also a tendency to design new legal and moral rules. For new media information transparency, Citizen can be able to participate political election or vote for well-thought-of politician.

Reversely, they have power to supervise and topple corrupt politicians or officeholders, or protest loose polities to set up a more democracy society world. In contemporary, net is free for speech, so it eminently suited for the exposure of today’s liars in politics and in business. Although, Internet is a controversial new media which has changed the way how people communicate, it still needs legal and moral restricts which could effectively reduce unfounded rumor.   


Shirky, C. 2011. The Political Power of Social Media: Technology, the Public Sphere, and Political Change in Foreign Affairs  

Hamelink, C. 2006 The Ethics of internet: Can we cope with lies and Deceit on the Net?  New Jersey: Hampton Press Inc